08 July 2009


I'm sick today. So, instead of doing anything productive, I learned new photo software!

Adobe Lightroom is awesome. If you take pictures, get Lightroom. I was using Picasa as a photo library, but Lightroom is easier and gives you much more control over organization and editing. I need to reorganize my library to work better with it, but it's oh so very shiny, really. Lightroom is like if Photoshop were iTunes, if that makes any sense.

I also got Noise Ninja which, well, reduces noise. It works very well, much better than Photoshop. Blurs images a bit, but Lightroom's clarity setting can fix that right up. Then, Photomatix, which makes HDR pictures. I need some more time to learn this stuff, but I have a general working knowledge right now.

There was a panorama I posted a while ago, and I don't think I ever linked to the software I used to make it. I used hugin. It's the best panorama stitcher around, as far as I've heard, and it's free. It's a little intimidating to use at first but, once you play with it a bit, it makes sense.

Enough of my talking. This photo is from Moab. It was my HDR guinea pig.



Oh, and I'm hopefully going to make it back to the cement plant sometime this week. Fingers crossed.

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